
e.g.Windows10Enterprise1709.-Channeler5yearsago.Hi,IusedthisforWindows10Pro/EntVer1709-1809.Ithasbeentestedonallofthem.Iwill ...,2018年1月5日—Ibuiltanewwin101703image.Forsomereasontheimportstartlayoutdidn'tworkandIhavethenewimagewithdefaultstartlayout.HowcanI ...,ThiscommandimportsalayoutoftheStartscreenintoaWindowsimage.Example2:ValidatethelayoutfileandWindowsimage.PSC:->Import-StartLayout...

Article: Import

e.g. Windows 10 Enterprise 1709. - Channeler 5 years ago. Hi, I used this for Windows 10 Pro/Ent Ver 1709 - 1809. It has been tested on all of them. I will ...

How to reset your start menu layout in Windows 10 1709

2018年1月5日 — I built a new win 10 1703image. For some reason the import startlayout didn't work and I have the new image with default startlayout. How can I ...


This command imports a layout of the Start screen into a Windows image. Example 2: Validate the layout file and Windows image. PS C:-> Import-StartLayout - ...


2018年1月20日 — ... 10 and tried to apply on a not-so-updated Windows 10. First thing was to update my Windows infrastructure (1709 b16.299.192), now it works well.


2024年5月18日 — I've been using import-startlayout since Windows 10 1709 and hadn't run into an issue until now. Will use this other way going forward ...

Reset or remove imported startlayout.xml

2019年12月17日 — Hello. W10 1709. How can I remove imported startlayour.xml in order to enable the user could pin and unpin apps.

Using "Import

2018年1月12日 — Using Import-StartLayout to customize the Start Menu for Windows 10 Pro build 1709 (XML). I've been trying all day to find the arcane ...

Windows 10 1709 Start Layout icons

2017年11月27日 — The process is based on the PowerShell cmdlet Export-StartLayout, which creates an xml file with the layout info. This file can be integrated ...

Windows 10 Enterprise x64 (1709) Taskbar

2018年4月10日 — You can import your start layout with the Import-StartLayout Powershell cmdlet during your image deployment. Example: Import-StartLayout ...

Workaround for missing start menu tiles after a Windows 10 ...

2018年1月11日 — As for your second question, Import-StartLayout basically just copies your XML file to C:-Users-Default-AppData-Local-Microsoft-Windows-Shell.

Taskbar Shuffle v2.5 - 拖曳移動工作列按鈕

Taskbar Shuffle v2.5 - 拖曳移動工作列按鈕


TrayEverything - 所有東西都縮下去吧

TrayEverything - 所有東西都縮下去吧


RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列

RocketDock 1.3.5 - 超快速的仿 Mac 文件工具列


DM2 - 視窗功能增強專家

DM2 - 視窗功能增強專家


QuickMenu 2001 CV4 - 桌面快捷選單

QuickMenu 2001 CV4 - 桌面快捷選單
